The Competitions

Do your best - beat the rest

General rules

For all graphics categories we accept two entries per artist. In music category we are restricted to only one entry per musician.

Number of entries in other categories is not limited. However we all love quality over quantity. Music, Graphics and PETSCII entries will be presented anonymously. Graphics may contain your signature, anyway.

Submitting your entry

Log in to this website to submit your entry either as a .PRG or a .D64 file. If you want to submit your entry on a 5.25" floppy or a tape, please contact the compoteam before the deadline.

Content restrictions

All pieces shall be previously unreleased and original art. Offensive, disgusting, plain boring or illegal content will be disqualified. We'll reserve ourselves the right to decide what is to be left out.

All C64 entries (excluding Party Feature and Wild categories) shall be runnable with a vanilla C64 (PAL) and loadable either from 1541(-II) floppy drive or 1530 C2N Datasette.

Submit your entry

In order to arrange the best possible set-up for your entry in Party Feature and Wild compo categories, please contact the compocrew in advance.

Compo entries are submitted through Zoo website. Link to the PARTYWEB will appear to the website navigation bar. The link is available for the arrived party animals only.

In order of preference, please provide your C64 entries either as executable files in .D64 or .PRG file format, floppies or cassette. Floppies or cassettes will be archived.

Remote entries

Remote entries are accepted. Prizes are given only for participants present at the party. Remote entries shall be submitted via e-mail at compoteam @ zooparty dot org.


The deadline for music entries and all remote entries is Saturday 5th of October 12:00 Finnish time (GMT+3h).

The deadline for all other local entries is Saturday 5th of October 18:00 Finnish time (GMT+3h).

The taxonomy of the arts

C64 Demo

Prove your creativity - boast with your skills A demo is a demo is a demo.

If your demo requires user interaction, please let the organizers know it in advance.

No size or duration limits, but we might be forced to cut your demo short at some point when the audience has had enough.

C64 Basic Program

Do it with pure Commodore Basic V2

In this category, the entry can be a demo, game, music, animation, whatever! Just do it in pure Commodore Basic. No other limits. If your entry needs user interaction, your presence is required during the compo.


SID sounds all day long

Provide your original and previously unreleased song as an executable. The executable shall include the name and credits for the tune. Video will be blanked during the music compo. We will play out maximum of 3 minutes per tune, depending on the number of entries. If there are more than 15 entries, the compo will be held in two sections.

If your song does include a loop, please let us know the exact loop point so the fade-out will be smooth.

Please inform us if you want your song to be played either with a 6581R3, 6581R4AR or 8580R5.


Pixel magic without restrictions Any graphics format (Hires, multicolor, interlace,...) is accepted. Scans & conversions without manual artwork will be disqualified. Graphics will be shown for maximum of 1 minute per piece. Audio will be muted during the graphics compo.

For the sake of general interest, feel free to include workstages and other information about your workflow.

PETSCII graphics

Scii or PET!

Picture drawn with the original PETSCII character set using Standard character mode Maximum size 40x25 characters, no animations. Entry shall be provided as an executable. Audio will be muted during the compo. PETSCII will be shown for maximum of 1 minute per piece.

Disk cover

Cover your disks

Create a Disk cover for a 5.25" floppy. Drawn artwork, paper weaving, origami, etc.. Surprise us!

Shall be distributable as a single-sided A4, .PDF with resolution of 300dpi or higher. At least one assembled sample is required.

Download the ZOO Disk Cover template

Party feature

Cherish and develop the Commodore culture

Now this is a place for your creativity! Your party feature entry may be the coolest banner for your group, a hacked and pimped C64, the craziest set-up of CBM hardware, publish a novel C64 program or game, present a new clever way to utilize C64 in your application, decorate the party place, throw a video presentation... Use your imagination! Contact the organizers before the party for the practical things. Loud noisemakers and epilepsy-inducing stroboscopic lights are not preferred.

Be prepared to get interviewed by our compo hosts about your entry.

Wild demo

For other 8-bit platforms and enhanced C64's

Got a buzz for an another 8-bit platforms sold in the 80ies? Want to do something with a non-standard C64 or with additional hardware? Create a demo and participate to this compo with your masterpiece. Bring your own hardware and A/V adapters to the compo.

Demos running with non-standard C64 set-up fall also into this category.

If your device is something exotic, contact the organizers early enough (prior 1-Oct-2019) to minimize incompatibility issues. We'll figure it out.


Three categories, three games


Bring your own weapon of choice! Auto-fire and auto-movement trickery are not allowed.


Enroll to the gaming competitions at the partyplace. The qualifications begin on Friday, the grande finale on Saturday.


Pit Stop II

Pit Stop II

Qualifications with a modified 1 lap version. Finals with Three-round race at Pro-level.



Who serves the best and gets the most points against the looming 5min timer?

Sex Games - the Finnish Open Championships

Sex Games

Sex Games is a tradition at Zoo since 1997. Need to say more?


We're glad to have both unique, zootastic trophies and sponsored compo prizes this year!